As part of training of Indian senior bankers, the National Institute of Bank Management located in Pune, India, invitedChakravorti to teach three courses. This course is on the evolution of FinTech in India and beyond. Specifically, the presentation focuses on how FinTechs provide greater access to payments, lending, and investments...
As part of training of Indian senior bankers, the National Institute of Bank Management located in Pune, India, invited Bob Chakravorti to teach three courses. This course is on the viability and applications of cryptocurrencies and crypto assets.
In this presentation, Chakravorti discusses the challenges in SME lending in the Middle East and Central Asia. He focuses on the potential of FinTechs to reduce lending frictions and increase financing in the region.
In this presentation, Chakravorti discusses how new entrants are disrupting payments. Specifically, he looks at how FinTechs are leveraging new technologies and Big Tech firms leveraging their large user bases to provide payment services to underserved segments often at lower prices. He also analyzes the role of the public sector...
Bob Chakravorti was a guest lecture in Heather Russell's graduate law FinTech Program at Boston University Law School. Bob discussed the potential roles for cryptocurrencies and blockchains in finance.
In his opening keynote at NASAA, Bob Chakravorti gave an overview of the impact of FinTech firms on the financial services industry. He spoke about how these firms are impacting payments, lending, wealth and asset management, and alternative currencies. In addition, he discussed the role of regulation generally and the...
In his presentation at the Sorting the Hype Cycle Colloquium sponsored by Filene and the University of California, Irvine, Bob Chakravorti discussed the intersection between finance and technology and the opportunities in untapped market segments.
In his presentation in Madrid, Spain in April 2017, Bob Chakravorti discussed how the financial sector is rapidly changing because of new products and services brought to market by FinTech firms. Specifically, he discusses certain market segments where new entrants are reducing market frictions. He puts forth how incumbent financial...
In his presentation, Bob Chakravorti described several new and pending payment regulations in the United States at the Cards & Payments 2010 conference held in Paris, France.
In his lecture as part of a broader course on Effective Oversight of Payment and Settlement Systems: Maintaining Financial Plumbing edited by Charles Kahn, Chakravorti describes the underlying economics of retail payments including substitution of payment instruments, regulation of them, and underlying incentives to use them. He looks at specific...