What We Do
Enabling the Next Generation of Financial Services
Let Chakra Advisors LLC help you navigate the opportunities and challenges facing the financial services industry.

In-Depth Studies
Chakra Advisors LLC produces proprietary and publicly-available data-driven studies on the impact of technological change on the provision of financial services.

Short Topic Briefs
Chakra Advisors LLC provides topical analysis on issues facing financial markets. Target audiences include industry leaders, central banks, academics, and policymakers.

Chakra Advisors LLC leads workshops on key issues facing the financial services industry geared for decision makers in the public and private sectors.

Chakra Advisors LLC provides consulting services to senior leaders on how technology will shape the financial services industry.
Why Choose Us
Chakra Advisors LLC teams have decades of experience with private and public sector clients operating in various markets globally.
Data Driven Analysis
Chakra Advisors LLC uses data-driven analysis to provide strategic and economic insights.
Trusted Advisor
Chakra Advisors LLC is the trusted advisor of policymakers, multilateral organizations, established financial services and technology firms, and startups.
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