A core function of any banking system is the provision of payments. However, a greater number of non-banks are becoming part of the payments landscape. Payments can be made via fiat or crypto currencies, bank credit or deposits, or funds transfers on the books of non-bank payment providers. Most of...
Carbó, Chakravorti, and Rodriguez study the impact of lowering interchange fees on consumer and merchant adoption and usage along with bank revenues during a ten-year period in Spain using bank-level data. Using cutting-edge econometric techniques, they are able to test two-sided market model predictions about payment card pricing policies. They...
In his testimony, Bob Chakravorti elaborated on the following areas: first, the state of the economic literature on the costs and benefits of capital regulation; second, the enormous changes that we have seen post-crisis in the bank capital regulatory landscape and the ensuing changes to the quality and quantity of...